Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) choosing to advertise on tv is in itself a remarkable event and to see that the ad is well done gives that much more motivation to write about it.
CCD has always been about the place, a convenient place to meet, talk and incidentally have coffee or grab a bite (for all those times when a pub wont do, a CCD will).
Hence CCD's approach of creating a buzz around the experience in store is good because a story around the types or quality of coffee may not appeal to everyone. Come to think of it, I've never gone to a CCD craving for coffee, MTR yes, CCD no. But CCD is always the first choice for a day meeting or hangout.The ad uses this to its strength.
The best part is the way the tv advertisement builds a platform for brand activity on social media - is #sitdown a trend already or will it be in a few days to come?